3 Favorite Food Chains Giving Out Free (Or Cheap) Halloween Treats
As if Halloween couldn't get any sweeter we've got free bacon and doghnuts coming your way. We're giving y'all the heads-up on all the free and discount treats.
If anyone actually goes to Arby's, today you can get free bacon on your burger, on your sandwich, or in your milkshake. Magic password? Say, "Trick or meat." Scandalous Arby's. We might actually give you some business today.
Get thee to Chipotle. They'll give you a "Boo-rito," a salad, a bowl or tacos for the sky-high cost of $3. If you come in costume. So get your party on, and then go get your favorite munchies for way less than you spent on your homemade Ironman costume.
Krispy Kreme:
And after Chipotle, go straight to Krispy Kreme, where they'll gift you with a free doughnut if you're in costume. Sweet. Cash in on those costumes kids.
And don't forget, you can always knock on a stranger's door for free food this one night of the year. But I seriously don't reccomend trying to egg a house in USC's neigborhood.
Ps. If you've got small siblings or neighbors under 12, read more on what they can score at Time.
Reach Web Producer Arielle Samuelson here.