'Bad Girls Club: Redemption' Premiere Recap: Bad Girls Don't Cry

"Bad Girls Club: Redemption" season 13 premiered last night on Oxygen.
The Oxygen channel has been experimenting with different "Bad Girls Club" spin-offs throughout the years, such as "Love Games" and "BGC All-Star Battle." However, this season is called "Bad Girls Club: Redemption," for the nine veteran bad girls who go back into the house for a second time to try to actually learn about themselves and grow as a performance. They had their fun, crazy, and violent seasons, and now they are trying to fix all the problems that they noticed before. First one in the house was Camilla from Season nine.
Camilla is known for being one of the “baddest” replacements in BGC history. She definitely showed off her ego as she talked about how people constantly come up to her and name their kids after her (which she needs to stop doing, because we all know that no one actually named her baby after her). Anyways, she quickly summed up the other house members. She was pretty open about everyone, except Sarah from Season 11. Apparently, Sarah said earlier in a video that black men do not like black women’s privates, which really ticked Camilla off. After Camilla’s arrival, the other bad girls started flowing in after some of them met up in restaurants. Julie and Judi met up and showed their love for each other as they talked about the house. Judi acknowledged how she was super nervous to find out whether or not Natalie was going to be in the house or not because of how mean and territorial Natalie can be. Next, Jada came into the house and met up with Camilla. Jada was not happy in seeing that Redd was also going to be a part of the house since they had various confrontations last season; Rocky, Dani, and Natalie came in by themselves and then the journey begins.
After everyone got situated in the house, a problem quickly got put into the forefront: Judi’s drinking. Judi admits to having a lot of mental issues as she gets very nervous around people and has anxiety issues. She is very conscious of what people think of her. She became very paranoid at the idea of Natalie not liking her behind her back but pretending something different to her face. She admits that her drinking is her way to relax and to not let all her emotions consume her. Everyone in the house pick up on this problem and a few members of the house honestly care about her and really want to help her, but Judi is stuck on her set ways and mentality.
Everything started to go downhill at the club where Judi kept drinking and spilled her drink on Dani after she specifically said not to. After that confrontation, Judi shows how uncomfortable she is with Judi’s drinking when she decides to switch seats at lunch when Judi orders a dirty martini. At the same lunch, Camilla brings up the comment Sarah made about black women during lunch (doing the most like always). Things started getting worse after that due to Judi’s lack of understanding where her friends were coming from. She called out Julie as being fake just because she was trying to talk to the other girls and have fun with them rather than being on Judi’s case 24/7. Then after Judi called Julie a “bitch” at the club, that ended everything for them. After that, Judi and Dani got into an argument when Dani tried to make Judi understand why everyone is getting on her case. Dani cut it off with Judi after Judi stated how she got so much backlash because she was friends with her and Julie. Dani, of course, did not take this well since basically Judi was insinuating at the idea that they should be grateful that she is their friend. Judi, then, tried to find reassurance in Redd but she received the same speech. Redd tried to make Judi know that she has a problem but, like always, Judi tried to walk away from it and put the faults on everyone else and not herself.
Reach Staff Reporter Cristian Pagan here.