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Apple Has More Surprises To Release

Sara Krevoy |
October 15, 2014 | 11:56 a.m. PDT

Web Producer

With the release of two new iPhones and the unveiling of a smart watch behind it, Apple has a little more to show us. 

READ MORE: Apple's Future With The iPad Mini, Macbook, iMac And iPad 4

Though the agenda is being withheld, the company is scheduled to hold an executive presentation on Thursday to announce its new surprises. Speculations on the content of the announcement include a new iPad, updates to the desktop line, and a new operating system due premiere this fall. 

The gathering will be held at the Apple campus in Cupertino and will be streamed live on Apple's website. 

Read more from ABC.

Reach Web Producer Sara Krevoy here.



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