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'Revenge' Season 4 Preview

Monica Hegde |
September 28, 2014 | 12:43 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Who will seek revenge first? (ABC)
Who will seek revenge first? (ABC)

What’s in store for Emily next? The whole reason Emily entered the Grayson’s lives was to avenge her father’s death. Since she has no reason anymore, what will she do now? The return of David Clarke on ABC’s "Revenge" will change the entirety of the show.

David Clarke. David Clarke’s return, the ultimate plot twist, will change Emily’s life forever. Will David reveal himself to her, or will he keep his identity a secret? Surely, David has been watching over Emily. But has he been a bystander or has he been secretly aiding her? Perhaps they will form a duo and destroy the rest of the Grayson’s legacy.

Victoria. Emily’s plan to check Victoria into a mental institution was truly cunning. Victoria finally sees that she is no longer #1 when it comes to evil scheming. Victoria always seemed to be a step ahead of Emily, but now the tables have turned. How will Victoria get out of this trap since she has nobody to help her? 

Aiden. With Aiden gone, how will Emily cope? Yes, they hit a few rough patches in season three, but they are true partners in crime. Emily won’t settle for only putting Victoria in a mental institution since Victoria killed Aiden. I didn’t think the Victoria/Emily relationship could involve more drama, so I’m sure we’ll see some more devious plots in the upcoming season.

Charlotte. Jack’s sudden betrayal by Charlotte is going to be a game-changer for the upcoming season. Charlotte has no one else to trust anymore, and now with David in the picture, who knows how she’ll react.

Conrad. Is Conrad really gone? One of the most important characters in the show is now dead, but we all thought David was dead, and apparently that was proved wrong. Conrad has done a handful of bad deeds, but did he deserve death? At least this is one thing Victoria can be happy about.

With Jack in jail, Victoria in the mental institution, Aiden and Conrad dead, and the return of David Clarke, it seems like the entire plot and cast of Revenge will change.

Tune in for the season four premiere Sunday, September 28 to catch all the new drama that is sure to arise this season. 

Reach Staff Reporter Monica Hegde here.



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