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Old Beverly Hills Tobacco Shop Survives Despite Changing Social Landscape

Signe Okkels Larsen |
September 30, 2014 | 4:24 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

A world of pipes and tobacco, cigars and vintage silver lighters is not as ancient as one might think. In Beverly Hills’s golden triangle, a shop selling exactly that still exists, surrounded by healthy raw food restaurants, a liquid nitrogen ice cream shop and some of the world’s best plastic surgeons.

Kramers Pipe and Tobacco Shop (Signe Okkels Larsen)
Kramers Pipe and Tobacco Shop (Signe Okkels Larsen)
Kramers Pipe and Tobacco Shop has been around since 1949 and still carries on the family tradition of selling fine tobacco products and smoking accessories, in a time where many are focused on maintaining their health, vitality and smooth skin.  

The shop is famous for its special made tobacco blends from the recipes of Allen Kramer, the father of Marsha Kramer Keller, who together with her husband Jim, has run the shop since 1999.

Allen Kramer owned a tobacco shop in Chicago before moving to California and setting up a new shop with his wife, Tina. Both had come to love the Southern Californian weather during a vacation, and moved here in the late 1940’s. 

Reach Staff Reporter Signe Larsen here



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