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NFL Turned A Blind Eye On The Rice Scandal

Taiu Kunimoto |
September 9, 2014 | 3:41 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Following the release of the video, Ray Rice was cut from the Ravens and was suspended indefinitely from the NFL (Creative Common/Keith Allison)
Following the release of the video, Ray Rice was cut from the Ravens and was suspended indefinitely from the NFL (Creative Common/Keith Allison)
The NFL commissioner Rodger Goodell allegedly made the decision to suspend Ray Rice prior to watching the surveillance video. What’s worse, NFL never asked the casino for the video.

The video that was released on Monday showed Rice brutally knocking out Janay Palmer, his wife (then-fiancee), which resulted in Rice’s release from the Raven and his indefinite suspension from the league.

The league’s verdict in July to suspend Rice for two-games was made solely basing on the video that was released in February, which only showed Rice dragging the unconscious Palmer from the elevator

However, according to TMZ Sports’ sources in Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, NFL never requested for the video since the day of incident.

 “We requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including any video that may exist,” the NFL said in a statement, “That video was not made available to us and no one in our office saw it until yesterday.”

NFL’s incompetent to execute a thorough investigation has raised doubts on the league’s interests in the domestic violence incident.

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