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How 'Raise The Wage L.A.' Affects District 3

Latifah Al-Hazza |
September 3, 2014 | 11:54 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti, has a plan to raise the minimum wage to $13.25 by 2017. Councilmember of District 3 (Canoga Park, Reseda, Tarzana, Winnetka, Woodland Hills), Bob Blumenfield says, “Raising Angelenos out of poverty is among the most critical challenges our City faces, and I applaud the Mayor's efforts to attack this issue head on. I look forward to joining my Council colleagues to look closely at the proposal to ensure it will work as intended.”

In this video, an owner and a worker give their take on the new plan.

Visit the Los Angeles Times and USA Today for more information about the plan.

Reach Staff Reporter Latifah Al-Hazza here or follow her on Twitter



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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