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L.A. City Council Votes To Raise Minimum Wage for Hotel Workers

Olivia Niland |
September 24, 2014 | 11:00 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

(Courtesy of Annenberg Radio News)
(Courtesy of Annenberg Radio News)
The Los Angeles City Council approved a bill in favor of raising minimum wage for the city's hotel workers in a first round of voting today. 

In a 12-3 vote, the council tentatively moved to increase minimum hourly wage for LA's 13,000 non-union hotel workers to $15.37 per hour.

SEE ALSO: What The Data Says (And Doesn't Say): Raising The Minimum Wage In L.A.

The first round victory was celebrated by those such as District 9 councilmember Curren Price, who co-authored the bill, but was opposed by others, including Ruben Gonzalez from the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, and will face a second round of voting next week.

Phoenix Tso of Annenberg Radio News has more:

Reach Web Producer Olivia Niland here

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