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Group Protests LAPD Having Drones

Maritza Moulite |
September 15, 2014 | 4:59 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Stop LAPD Spying Coalition organizer Hamid Khan speaks at Monday's press conference. (Maritza Moulite/Neon Tommy)
Stop LAPD Spying Coalition organizer Hamid Khan speaks at Monday's press conference. (Maritza Moulite/Neon Tommy)
Members of the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition gathered in front of Los Angeles City Hall on Monday demanding a ban on drone usage by California law enforcement. Standing across from LAPD Headquarters, the protestors admonished Mayor Eric Garcetti for what they considered his breaking a promise to seek public opinion on the subject.

Mayor Garcetti endorsed Assembly Bill 1327, or the Drone Privacy Protection Act, on Friday, September 12 and urged Governor Jerry Brown to sign it. Though the bill calls for police to obtain warrants before doing any surveillance and requires government agencies to report when purchasing the unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAV’s, protestors felt that wasn’t enough.

“There are restrictions that are given but in light of mission creep, we know these things can expand,” said Jamie Garcia, an organizer with Stop LAPD Spying Coalition. “So we’re saying, why are you spying on our communities, why are you surveilling our communities and why are you infiltrating our communities with more technology that is unnecessary?”

READ MORE: LAPD Is Adding Drones To Their Arsenal

This possible “mission creep” is one of the organization’s biggest concerns. AB 1327 currently demands for all gathered video and photo footage to be deleted after a year but some suspect that the expiration date would simply be put off.

“The only thing the community can do is look back at history,” Garcia said. “Look at what LAPD does with its SWAT teams, with suspicious activity reporting. And we know that they start small and they expand.”

The police department won’t be flying these drones anytime soon however. The Board of Police Commission is keeping custody of them until handling guidelines are discussed publicly, then put into place --  which officials don't anticipate for another six months.

“I want to assure all that there has been no decision that UAV’s will be utilized in the City of Los Angeles,” said Commission President Steve Soboroff in a news release, also on Monday. “There will be no deployment of these vehicles until the Commission completes a thorough review of the proposed policies and protocols.”

Reach Staff Reporter Maritza Moulite here and follow her on Twitter.



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