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Cardinals Running Back Arrested on Aggravated Assault Charges

Rebecca Gibian |
September 17, 2014 | 5:11 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Jonathan Dwyer, running back for the Cardinals. (Sports Center/Twitter)
Jonathan Dwyer, running back for the Cardinals. (Sports Center/Twitter)
Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.

The allegations stem from an incident that happened in Phoenix, Arizona late July between a 27-year-old woman and a 18-month-old baby.

Since then, police investigators have been looking into the incident and seeking out-of-state medical records, according to AZCentral

Dwyer previously denied any physical assaults. He has been charged with aggravated assault and preventing someone from calling 911, says CBS Sports.

The Cardinals immediately deactivated Dwyer from this weekend's game. 

Read more at CBS Sports. 

Reach Web Producer Rebecca Gibian here or follower her on Twitter here



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