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Angels May Be On The Move From Anaheim

Paolo Uggetti |
September 26, 2014 | 2:45 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

The days of the Los Angeles Angeles of Anaheim may be numbered. 

The Angels may be on the move (@Angels/Twitter)
The Angels may be on the move (@Angels/Twitter)

On Friday, the team ended its negotiations for a new leasing deal with the city of Anaheim after disagreement over the extension of such deal. 

The Angels organization has already been looking elsewhere in the area to relocate and build a new stadium, according to the L.A. Times. 

The city of Tustin is being acknowledged as one of the possible relocation spots, where the team would build a new stadium 8 miles southeast of Anaheim.

Team officials say other sites like Irvine and perhaps even the downtown L.A. area are not off the table, and that they will look at all available options. 

Read more at the L.A. Times.

Reach Web Producer Paolo Uggetti here or follow him on Twitter.



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