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Alibaba Plans Largest U.S. IPO Launch

Ashley Yang |
September 5, 2014 | 3:10 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Founder Jack Ma stands to make a killing from selling just 10 percent of his shares. (e27singapore, Creative Commons)
Founder Jack Ma stands to make a killing from selling just 10 percent of his shares. (e27singapore, Creative Commons)
In documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday, Chinese online retail conglomerate Alibaba Group reported its plans to raise as much as $24 billion in an initial public offering, reports Forbes. Those numbers would make Alibaba's IPO the largest ever for a U.S.-listed company, placing its value at $163 billion and making it worth more than American online retailers eBay ($68 billion) and Amazon ($161 billion). 

The company plans to price each share at $60 to $66. 

Founder and chairman Jack Ma stands to make over $840 million before taxes by selling 12.75 million shares in the IPO. But even after the fact, he will still control 193 million shares that have a net worth of $12.76 billion. 

The company could begin publicly trading on the New York Stock Exchange as early as Sept. 19. It plans to track under the ticker BABA. 

Reach Web Producer Ashley Yang here, or follow her on Twitter. 



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