Actors Who Transformed For Film
It’s remarkable when we see well-known actors and actresses transform for the big screen, like Renée Zellweger in “Bridget Jones’ Diary.” They become hardly recognizable and later get nominated for an Academy Award. Here are some familiar (and their not so familiar) faces of Hollywood stars that physically changed for a role, whether it was losing weight, or just going through an extreme makeover.

1. Christian Bale- This British actor shed several pounds for his 2004 film “The Machinist” and gained weight for his 2013 film “American Hustle.” We have also seen Bale fit in his “Batman” trilogy.

2. Vanessa Hudgens- In 2013, the Disney “High School Musical” star moved on to more serious roles, like in “Spring Breakers”, where she appeared as a blonde college student. During the same year, she played Agnes Bailey in “Gimme Shelter.” Based on a true story, Hudgens plays a pregnant teenager who suffers from an abusive mother and an estranged father.

3. Tom Hanks- We all remember Hanks in “Cast Away,” especially during his heartfelt moment with his pal Wilson, the volleyball that kept him sane. Tom Hanks was awarded an Oscar for his role in the film. He lost about 50 pounds, according to Business Insider. And we can recall the facial hair needed to play the part.

4. Anne Hathaway- “The Princess Diaries” goes through transformations in the 2001 film, from being a puffy-haired teen to a chic princess. The actress cut off her locks to work a pixie cut. Hathaway chopped it all of for her role as Fantine in “Le Misérables”.

5. Rooney Mara- “The Social Network” actress transformed to play Lisbeth Salander in “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” She told Parade that she is different than Lisbeth, and that includes looks. “I think people will go in the movie sort of repelled by the way I look,” she told Parade.
6. Charlize Theron- The usually gorgeous Charlize Theron severely altered her look for her film "Monster." In the film, Theron plays a prostitute/serial killer. The role required her to gain weight, thin out her hair and wear dentures. This look is completely different than Theron in a film like "The Italian Job."
7. Michael Fassbender- In 2008, Fassbender lost 42 pounds to play hunger striker Bobby Sands. The film "Hunger" shows his character leading a hunger strike in an Irish prison. Fassbender is normally thin and fit, so the 42-pound difference shows.
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