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7 Celebrity Men Who Can Rock Facial Hair

Barbara Estrada |
September 11, 2014 | 6:32 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

There are boys and then there are men. Not every man can make facial hair look good. The following seven celebrity men have joined our list for not just having amazing facial hair, but rocking look as well.

Johnny Depp

Ever since Capt. Jack Sparrow made his debut in Hollywood, it put Johnny Depp on a whole new level of facial hair. Portraying a pirate has it's cons and pros. One of them being the face of facial hair. Johnny is that man.

Channing Tatum

Over the years of Channing Tatum’s career, he has significantly grown into his facial hair. As Channing ages we can’t help, but say that he has aged just like fine wine.

Chris Hemsworth

A superhero in the day and a man at night. We can’t decide who we prefer? Chris Hemsworth makes facial hair a fashion statement on the street and on the big screen as our favorite superhero, Thor. We can’t stop admiring the art piece on his face that he calls, facial hair.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Everyone seems to overlook Jake Gyllenhaal because he doesn’t make headline news nor is he discussed as often, but when it comes to his facial hair we can talk about that for hours. Jake and facial hair just make sense together.

Zac Efron

He can sing. He can act. He can dance, but most importantly he can rock facial hair. Ever since “Neighbors” came out in theaters, Zac gave a new definition to the meaning of facial hair. I guess he no longer is the boy we once called, Troy Bolton.

Ryan Gosling

If Ryan Gosling didn’t steal your heart in “The Notebook,” then you don’t deserve him in any of his forms - clean cut or hairy. We will take care of him and his facial hair needs.

Jamie Dornan

The “50 Shades of Grey” principle actor, Jamie Dornan, makes you feel all sorts of feelings just starring at him. Although Jamie won’t be styling a hairy look in the movie, we will always want a Mr. Grey in our life (with or withour hair).

Reach Staff Reporter Barbara Estrada here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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