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Tensions Rise Between China And Hong Kong Over Election Reforms

Shoko Oda |
August 31, 2014 | 8:39 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Protestors in Occupy Central movement plan to hold a demonstration on Sunday. (TODAYonline / Twitter)
Protestors in Occupy Central movement plan to hold a demonstration on Sunday. (TODAYonline / Twitter)
Tensions are rising between the Chinese government in Beijing and Hong Kong protestors as they continue their Occupy Central with Love and Peace movement; many are prepared to hold a small-scale protest on Sunday in Hong Kong's financial district. 

The Chinese government in Beijing recently endorsed an election framework for Hong Kong, due for an election to choose its next leader in 2017. Under the new guidelines approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, only two to three candidates will be allowed to run. Candidates also must obtain majority support from nominating committees, many of which are also loyal to the mainland government in Beijing. 

Protestors in Hong Kong fear that such guidelines will restrict opposing democrat candidates to gain candidacy, limiting the island city from free elections. Read more about the ongoing Occupy Central movement here at Reuters. 

Reach Web Producer Shoko Oda here



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