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Obama Says US Won't Attack ISIS

Arielle Samuelson |
August 28, 2014 | 3:33 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Obama says U.S. will hold back from Syria and Iraq (@nataliewsj/Twitter)
Obama says U.S. will hold back from Syria and Iraq (@nataliewsj/Twitter)
In a press conference on Thursday morning, President Barack Obama said that there was no strategy about possible U.S. involvement in Iraq and Syria.  The president has been criticized for his hands-off policy in Syria and Iraq, where militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused violent turmoil in the region.  

“Our military is the best in the world” said Obama, but added that his first priority is to “protect American personnel on the ground.” 

After meeting with the National Security Council today, Obama said he will discuss the issue with Congress in the coming weeks.

The President also addressed the economy, and touched on the US’s continued support of NATO and Ukraine.

Read more from Obama's press conference here.

Reach Staff Reporter Arielle Samuelson here.



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