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Israel Resumes Strikes On Gaza In Response To Rocket Fire

Francesca Bessey |
August 9, 2014 | 2:50 p.m. PDT

Senior Opinion Editor

(@IDFSpokesperson, Twitter)
(@IDFSpokesperson, Twitter)
On Thursday, Israel said it was willing to extend unconditionally a three-day truce in fighting along the Gaza Strip.

Friday morning, however, Israel resumed airstrikes on Gaza in response to at least 50 rockets the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said were fired earlier that day, including two that were launched before the ceasefire ended.

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Sami Abu Suzhri, a spokesperson for Hamas, said that Hamas denies responsibility for the rockets that were fired before the end of the cease-fire and said the allegations were based on "Israeli reports aimed at confusing the situation." 

READ MORE: Deadliest Day For Israelis And Palestinians In Israel-Gaza War

According to a spokesperson for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, peace talks in Cairo between Israel and a Palestinian delegation, of which Hamas is part, are still "ongoing." The delegation has demanded a lifting of the Israeli economic blockade on Gaza as a condition for ending hostilities, and was united in its decision not to extend the truce while this and other demands remain unaddressed.

Local media reported Israeli air strikes across the Gaza Strip. According to Ashraf el-Qedra, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the strikes have wounded at least 31 and killed five, including a 10-year-old child. 


Contact Senior Opinion Editor Francesca Bessey here; or follow her on Twitter.



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