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Emmys 2014: Bryan Cranston Wins Outstanding Lead Actor In Drama Series

Michelle Tak, Kathy Zerbib |
August 25, 2014 | 11:04 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Congratulations, Bryan Cranston! (NBC)
Congratulations, Bryan Cranston! (NBC)
Bryan Cranston took home the award tonight for his role as Walter White in "Breaking Bad." 

Cranston made sure to pay some tribute to fellow nominee Matthew McConaughey. 

If McConaughey had won in this category, he would have made history as being the first male to win both an Emmy and an Oscar in the same year. 

Other nominees included Kevin Spacey, Jeff Daniels, Jon Hamm and Woody Harrelson.

READ MORE: Emmys 2014: Biggest Surprises

Reach Staff Reporter Michelle Tak here.



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