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Ebola Outbreak Causes School Closure In Nigeria

Niki Hashemi |
August 27, 2014 | 3:45 p.m. PDT

Web Producer

Medical workers getting ready to tread infected Ebola patients (Creative Commons/European Commission DG ECHO)
Medical workers getting ready to tread infected Ebola patients (Creative Commons/European Commission DG ECHO)
In an attempt to contain the spread of Ebola, Nigeria’s education minister ordered all schools in Nigeria to remain closed until October 13.

These closures also allow ample time for staff to be trained on how to treat those infected with the virus. The education minister hopes that closing schools will prevent the spread of Ebola through Nigeria. 

Since the beginning of the outbreak, about 2,600 people have been infected with the virus and half of those infected have died, making this Ebola outbreak the largest and deadliest to date.

Read more from the BBC.

Contact Web Producer Niki Hashemi here and follow her on Twitter.



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