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USC Grad Student Found Dead In Apartment Near Campus

Matthew Tinoco |
July 24, 2014 | 1:39 p.m. PDT

Senior Reporter

The victim was found on the fourth floor of the City Park Apartments complex. (Screenshot/Google Streetview)
The victim was found on the fourth floor of the City Park Apartments complex. (Screenshot/Google Streetview)
Early this morning a USC graduate engineering student was found dead in the City Park apartment complex, north of campus at 1247 West 30th Street.

LAPD Seargent Barry Montgomery said the department received a call around 7:00 a.m. this morning from an ambulance, alerting them of a death and requesting an investigation. LAPD Southwest responded and found the 24-year-old male deceased on the fourth floor of the building.

Police say the victim may have been targeted in an assault, but any official cause of death will not be declared until the investigation is complete.

The nature of the death still remains unclear. Early reports from the Daily Trojan reported the victim was stabbed, but a letter to the community from Provost Elizabeth Garrett reports the victim suffered a head injury.

Garrett wrote:

"Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the student’s death, which appears to have occurred sometime this morning from a head injury, the cause of which has not been determined. We will wait for more information from LAPD before drawing any conclusions. From all early indications, this was an isolated incident and there was and is no apparent threat to the campus community."

The investigation is ongoing, and the student will be identified after his family is informed. 


Authorities identified the man as 24 year old Xinran Ji. According to a DPS email sent at 6:15pm Thursday, Ji was the victim of an assault that took place at 29th and Orchard.

The email labeled the incident as a Homicide, detailing that the suspect departed in a dark colored compact sedan. 

Contact Senior Reporter Matthew Tinoco hereAnd follow him on Twitter.



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