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Trump Plaza Casino In Atlantic City Is Shuttering

Will Federman |
July 13, 2014 | 9:51 a.m. PDT


Donald Trump's 30-year-old monument to excess and opulence, Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, N.J., is expected to close its boardwalk doors by mid-September. A final decision has not yet been made, but New Jersey state Sen. Jim Whelan told CBS News his office was notified that the casino's owners will send 60-day termination notices to nearly 1,000 employees on Monday.

The $210 million building, which always looked something like Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise and Casino from Back to the Future: Part II, has been beset by financial woes as New Jersey's casino industry continues to erode. Neighboring states, such as Pennsylvania, now outdraw Atlantic City for gambling dollars.

The end of Trump Plaza follows the high-profile closure the Atlantic Club and expected closures of the Showboat and Revel. By the end of September, nearly a third of the boardwalk's casinos could be shuttered and almost a quarter of its workforce unemployed.

You can read more at Fox News and ABC News.

Reach Editor-in-Chief Will Federman here. And follow him on Twitter.



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