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Police, Protesters Clash At Funeral For Palestinian Teen

Francesca Bessey |
July 4, 2014 | 1:16 p.m. PDT

Senior Opinion Editor

As thousands of mourners gathered in Jerusalem for the funeral of slain teenager Muhammad Abu Khdeir, protesters clashed with Israeli police.

The body of 16-year-old Abu Khdeir, who was abducted and murdered in what is widely believed to have been a revenge attack by Israeli extremists for the killing of three young Israelis in June, was found in a forest Wednesday. His family and others have decried what they see to be a lack of interest on the part of law enforcement in pursuing the perpetrators in this case.

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His funeral was attended by over 2,000 people, some of whom, according to Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, instigated a confrontation with Israeli security forces by throwing rocks at on-duty officers nearby. Police responded by firing stun grenades.

In the days leading up to the funeral, Israel increased its security forces around Jerusalem, as the funeral coincided with the first Friday prayer services for the month of Ramadan. Men under 50 were also barred from entering the city's Al Aska mosque compound to pray.


Read the full story at the New York Times.

Contact Senior Opinion Editor Francesca Bessey here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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