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Pelvic Exams Unnecessary For Healthy Women

Anna Sterling |
July 1, 2014 | 1:57 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

[Photo via NPR/Joshua Lott/Reuters/Landov]
[Photo via NPR/Joshua Lott/Reuters/Landov]
The American College of Physicians came out with a new set of guidelines Monday recommending against the pelvic exam that millions of women undergo each year.

READ MORE: Women Can Skip Unnecessary Pelvic Exams, Says Doctor's Organization

The influential medical group concluded that the risks posed by pelvic exams outweigh the benefits for healthy women. They contend that the exam leads to false positives, resulting in physical and psychological harm.

READ MORE: Skip The Stirrups: Doctors Rethink Yearly Pelvic Exams

The guidelines, published in the Annals Of Internal Medicine, goes on to state that the exam “rarely detects important disease and does not reduce mortality” and, in fact, "exposes women to unnecessary and avoidable harms with no benefit." The recommendation does not apply to women who are pregnant or visiting the doctor with medical complaints.

However, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists still recommends the procedure for all women over the age of 21.

Reach Executive Producer Anna Sterling here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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