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Notorious R.B.G. Discusses Hobby Lobby Dissent, New Nickname

Cassie Paton |
July 31, 2014 | 11:41 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Ginsburg said her fellow justices' had a "blindspot" in the decision. (Twitter/@YahooCanadaNews)
Ginsburg said her fellow justices' had a "blindspot" in the decision. (Twitter/@YahooCanadaNews)
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stands by her dissent of the Supreme Court's decision that Hobby Lobby and other privately owned corporations are not required to provide contraception coverage for employees.

Also—she really likes her new nickname, Notorious R.B.G.

In an exclusive Yahoo interview with Katie Couric, Ginsburg addressed the infamous Hobby Lobby ruling, with which she vehemently disagreed.

“Contraceptive protection is something that every woman must have access to, to control her own destiny,” Ginsburg said. “I certainly respect the belief of the Hobby Lobby owners. On the other hand, they have no constitutional right to foist that belief on the hundreds and hundreds of women who work for them who don’t share that belief. I had never seen the free exercise of religion clause interpreted in such a way.”

READ MORE: SCOTUS, You've Got To Be Joking

As for her moniker and the Notorious R.B.G. Tumblr?

"I will admit I had to be told by my law clerks, 'what’s this Notorious?' and they explained that to me. But the Web site is something I enjoy; all of my family do.”

Reach Executive Producer Cassie Paton here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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