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MLB Trade Deadline Twitter Reaction

Jackson Prince, Blake Sammann |
July 31, 2014 | 3:40 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporters

At least 25 players will don new jerseys after an epic July 31 deadline, including former Cy Young winners, All-Stars and hopeful prospects. Some teams remained silent, as the Los Angeles Dodgers failed to bring in anyone not named Darwin Barney and the Philadelphia Phillies asked for too much. And don't even mention the Mets.

Today was game-changing. The Red Sox took a chance on a Cuban gunner, the Cards made room for a rising star, who hit a homerun a few hours ago in celebration of his starting job, and the Tigers completed baseball's best rotation. An outfielder was pulled mid-game, and the Yankees and Red Sox traded–with each other.

As I said, this trade deadline was epic. Just look at Twitter.

Jackson Prince is a senior at Beverly Hills High School and co-Editor-in-Chief of the school's news publication, Highlights. Contact Jackson here or follow him on Twitter.

Blake Sammann is a senior at New Trier High School in Chicago, and is the programming director of the school's radio station, WNTH. Contact Blake here



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