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Marvel Reveals African-American Captain America

Kathy Zerbib |
July 17, 2014 | 6:22 p.m. PDT

Senior Entertainment Editor

Meet the new face of justice (Twitter/@Vulture).
Meet the new face of justice (Twitter/@Vulture).
After unveiling a new female Thor character and an upgraded Iron Man suit, Marvel revealed yet another surprise for comic book fans - an African-American Captain America.

Sam "The Falcon" Wilson will take over for Steve Rogers, who is turning over his shield due to physical difficulties.

Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort explained Rogers will serve as Wilson's mentor in the upcoming installment of the comic book series.

"Steve's spirit is as willing as ever, but his body is no longer up to the task of being Captain America, so he'll employ his skills as the new Cap's remote strategic adviser," Brevoort said. "He'll also tutor Sam in how to throw the shield, a skill that's deceptively difficult for the new Cap to master."

Marvel Comics chief creative officer Joe Quesada originally broke the news on Wednesday during an interview on Stephen Colbert's Comedy Central talk show "The Colbert Report."

The new series launches in November.

Read more on this story here.

Read more on Marvel's character changes here.

Reach Senior Entertainment Editor Kathy Zerbib here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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