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Gaza Ceasefire Ends, Explosions Resume

Cassie Paton |
July 17, 2014 | 11:08 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

227 people have died in the Iraseli-Gaza conflict. (Twitter/@USAToday)
227 people have died in the Iraseli-Gaza conflict. (Twitter/@USAToday)
Hamas and Israel picked up where they left off with more rocket fire this morning as their five-hour humanitarian ceasefire came to a close.

Within minutes of the truce officially coming to a close, Hamas fired 10 rockets at Israel, which launched two airstrikes at the Gaza Strip, according to The Daily Beast. 

The ceasefire was allowed residents to restock supplies but was marred by a brief attack by Gaza with mortal shells that injured an Israeli soldier.

The 10-day conflict has killed more than 227 people.

Reach Executive Producer Cassie Paton here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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