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Supreme Court Upholds Gun Control Law

Arash Zandi |
June 16, 2014 | 5:33 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

In 2013, 30 people were killed per day due to gun violence. (Twitter/@SolidGraniteNH)
In 2013, 30 people were killed per day due to gun violence. (Twitter/@SolidGraniteNH)
The United States Supreme Court upheld a law on Monday requiring gun owners to report their firearms purchases for other people, says The Daily Beast.

The upholding came after former Virginia police offer Bruce Adramski purchased a handgun for his uncle, Angel Alvarez and mistakenly said that he was buying it for himself. Adramski was subsequently sentenced to five years’ probation.

READ MORE: The Missing Piece In Gun Control Advocacy

These “straw purchases”, if unregulated, would enable people to hire others to purchase firearms, even if they are prohibited from owning one. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, almost half of gun smuggling cases involved straw purchases.

“Putting true numbskulls to one side, anyone purchasing a gun for criminal purposes would avoid leaving a paper trail by the simple expedient of hiring a straw,” said Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan.

Take that, NRA.


Reach Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



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