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Simple Summer Swimsuit Guide

Barbara Estrada |
June 10, 2014 | 9:20 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

When deciding which swimsuit to wear this summer, it's important to consider both style and comfort. Folow this size-neutral guide that will help you choose the perfect, fun and fashionable bathing suit to wear as you soak up the sun.


1. Bright in the right places.

Bright hues are huge for summer, but when picking colorful swimsuits, remember to be strategic. Brights will bring attention to specific parts of your body, so you have the option to accentuate or downplay certain areas. Keep in mind where you want people staring.

2. Prints are the new black.

A patterned swimsuit will always stand out. Prints make a bold statement and show off your individuality.


3. Girls just wanna have fun.

The standard halter and string bikinis are no longer the only option. Retro high-waisted bikini bottoms, ruffle tops and knot-twisted tops have become a part of the mainstream swimsuit culture. Vintage-style swimwear also offers more coverage on the bottom.

4. Shiny is a girl’s best friend.

What girl doesn't love a little sparkle? Swimsuits come in on-trend metallic colors and are designed with metal, shiny and sparkly embellishments that do only one thing: grab attention.

5. Surprise them.

In the past, one-piece bathing suits may have been viewed as dull. But now, they come in countless variations, from neon colors to skeleton print to side cutouts. 

Reach Staff Reporter Barbara Estrada here. Follow her Twitter here.



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