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Ramadan Ignites Inter-Faith Support On Social Media

Sara Newman |
June 29, 2014 | 2:11 p.m. PDT

Deputy Editor

People around the world are celebrating the month-long Islamic holiday (Twitpic/Startfor)
People around the world are celebrating the month-long Islamic holiday (Twitpic/Startfor)
Around the world, people are in awe of the World Cup athletes who are trying to uphold their athletic, national and religious duties simultaneously, playing in some of the most competitive soccer matches of their careers while continuing to fast during the days for Ramadan. 

But Ramadan has brought about something else to admire: inter-faith acceptance and support.

READ MORE: Ramadan Poses New Challenge For Muslim World Cup Contenders 

In a time when many Western countries treat Islam almost like a dirty word, it’s inspiring to see this level of respect from people of various—and often opposing—faiths. 

While there has been a picture of rainbow cake making its way around the internet, the social media response to the start of Ramadan has been overwhelmingly kind.

With churches posting messages of support and even non-Islamic supporters fasting in solidarity with friends, hopefully this spirit of acceptance lasts even after the month-long holiday concludes. 

Contact Deputy Editor Sara Newman here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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