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'Orange Is the New Black' Season 2 Episode 4-6 Recaps

Elizabeth Lopez |
June 16, 2014 | 8:32 p.m. PDT

EPISODE 4: "A Whole Other Hole" 

"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix
"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix

Morello Morello, you are one interesting shade of yellow.

The ultimate love story of Morello and her knight in shining armor Christopher is finally explained- its not something that I was expecting. The episode begins with pre-prison Morello; she was an online shopper scam artist, buying herself multiple shoes, clothes and pretty much whatever she could get her hands on. During one of her trips to the post office she ran into Christopher and fell head over heels for him after exchanging the simplest of words. But the episode isn't just of flashbacks, Morello finds out that Christopher is marrying someone else on the same day that her wedding was planned to being held on. WHAT?! All that planning and waiting for the completion of her sentence has gone to waste?

While Morello is stricken with depression over Christopher and his new fiancé, the ladies of Litchfield are being educated about, what Piper would like to call, their "tutu's." The majority of the inmates have the understanding that they only have one hole, so when Taystee found out she had a separate hole for her pee things got wild in the prison. Every member in each community- the "others", golden girls, Latinas, Blacks, Whites- were all fascinated by this discover. It was a moment of realization that all the girls shared that made them a collective group again. 

Chapman and Soso are finally moved out of their cell and assigned new roommates- finally, luck is on Chapman's side. But, is it? Piper's new roommate is non other than fiery Red. At first, Red is completely against having Piper as a roommate but not because of their roller coaster history, but because it is the first time she will ever have a roommate. Her request of removing Piper was immediately shut down by Caputo- no tolerance for contraband. Red learns that her connection with the administration has been tainted and has to live with the restriction. So in the meantime, her and Piper connect. Piper and Red bond over their hardships and have an intimate conversation about loyalty. As Red would say, "Loyalty. It doesn't matter, because once you're useless to them you don't matter." A valuable piece of lesson Piper will soon understand.

Back to Morello- While on a trip to the hospital for an inmate to receiver her chemo, Morello drives to Christopher's house and breaks in. She lurks around the house and peeps through his and his new fiancé's clothes and jewelry. She finds Christopher's fiancé's wedding dress, puts on the veil, and proceeds to fill up their tub and treat herself to a bubble bath. Right when you get the feeling that Morello can get away with it, you hear Christopher in the house! She rushes out of the tub, finds a robe, climbs out a window and drives directly to the hospital. As soon as Morello drives up to the hospital, Officer Fischer is waiting for her and she thinks she's done for. But, everything is normal- she got away with it!!

Larry and Piper are still not talking, he has instead found comfort in Polly- Piper's best friend. Everything seems friendly, but I think there might be something there. Best keep a lookout. Vee is slowly changing Taystee''s views on multiple aspects of her life- such as who she confides in. Will this be the end of the Taystee and Poussay- Litchfield's dynamic duo?

EPISODE 5: "Low Self Esteem City" 

"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix
"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix

Gordon Ramsey has nothing on Gloria Mendoza- she has lived another type of hell. 

Gloria was a hustler prior to Litfield; she provided for her family kept them safe, but she fell in love with the wrong guy. The episode examines her relationship with Arturo, her abusive boyfriend that left her with multiple bruises and a life of shame. She is a strong Latin woman that endured months of being treated like property and now she exudes her fierceness with the girls in the kitchen and whomever gets in her way- Vee included. 

Another plumbing malfunction in "Spanish Harlem" leads to the confrontation between the Latina's and the Black girls. Gloria and her girl's duties in the kitchen outweigh Vee's priority in line- which she does not take well. In return, Vee's ladies take Gloria's gang shoes and tie them together with their shoestrings and makes them late to work. To retaliate, the kitchen goes a little over the edge with the salt in their food. Watson could not stay silent so when she saw Daya walking by, she had to strike back. she stuck her foot out and made Daya fall face first to the floor. Baby daddy and prison guard Bennett immediately rushed over to Watson, pushed her to the ground and punished her. 

Gloria goes to Vee's dorm and tells her to meet her in the bathroom- she's not going to take any more of her bs. Once Vee enters the bathroom, Gloria pushes her to the wall and threatens her to stop messing with her girls because she is done playing games. In return, Vee acts vulnerable in efforts to manipulate Gloria and uses her age as an excuse. They come to an agreement: Gloria will allow two of Vee's girls to work in the kitchen in exchange for the kitchen's bathroom privileges.

Red seems to be absent in the efforts of power, until she finds a new project- the prison's greenhouse. She realizes that there is a way for her to smuggle in products by the underground tunnel system. But when Red hears the news of Vee's girls entering the kitchen, she storms into the kitchen and confronts gloria head on, "Vee played you. You have no idea what you have done." Gloria is flabbergasted by the statement but she can't let her guard down in front of her girls so she brushes it off. 

But not everything in the prison is stricken with sadness- especially in the lives of Nicky and Big Boo. In the midst of all things, they are competing to see who can get laid more. With a point system in place (each inmate is valued from 1 though ten, 1 being easy and 10 being a guard) Big Boo and Nicky are competing for orgasms. As Big Boo tries to get every 1, Nicky starts to work her magic on Officer Fischer. But she takes things to far by telling her she knows various secret places throughout the prison so they could talk. Fischer  immediately notices what Nicky is doing and denies her. Poor Nicky, she was way too ambitious, now she has to figure out a way to get ahead of the game. 

After months of no visitors, Piper's mother and brother arrive at Litchfield. Her mother concerns herself more with how she looks rather than asking her how she is. Cal is more relaxed and finds humor in her brawl. Piper senses they are hiding something from her but when she asks her mother, she replies with "we agreed not to tell you." Cal being Cal, he knows he can't keep this secret from Piper and they both start playing the guessing game. The end result: Her grandmother is gravely ill and Piper realizes that she will probably never see her again. She thinks she can convince Mr. Healey to approve her furlough request but is sadly mistaken. But, something changes; by the end Mr. Healey tells Chapman that he will push for her furlough. 

Once Chapman has hope for her furlough, she finally calls Larry. They exchanged "I miss you's" and tears but she never tells him that she is working towards a furlough. Does this mean they are getting back together? I hope so! 

EPISODE 6: "You Also Have a Pizza" 

V-Day just took on a whole new meaning.

"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix
"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix

"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix
"Orange Is the New Black"/ Netflix

It's Valentine's Day in Litchfield and the girls are being asked, "What do you think love is?" Answers varied from serious, "Pain. Pure pain," to silly ones, "A chocolate bath with a pizza." Throughout the episode, the girls are confronted with their past and present state of love. 

Larry visits Piper and everything seems well, up until he tells her about his new project- an exposé on the prison. He was presented with the idea by a writer from NPR, but decided that it would be best if he wrote it considering his ties with Piper. From what happened last season, Piper immediately dismisses the idea and they end up arguing. Larry's Valentine's Day is not what he expected and plans to get rid of all Piper's clothes from their apartment and give it to Polly. But Larry oversteps his boundaries and kisses Polly- oh no he didn't!!! Soon after their kiss, Polly's husband appears and invites him to their romantic dinner- awkward. 

Officer Bennet and Daya are trying to act like a "normal" couple by role playing, but it ended as fast as it started. Daya can't play "normal" when she knows nothing about her love life is normal. Frustrated about their situation, they both sneak into an office and celebrate Valentine's the 'right way' while all the girls are getting down on the dance floor. As they sit and cuddle on the desk, Daya pulls out what she thinks is Bennet's Valentine's Day card to her. But in fact, it was Mendez that sends her the card. First time Mendez is mentioned this season! Will he come back to Litchfield next episode??

Piper soon realizes that Larry's article wouldn't be such a bad idea, and starts to investigate what she can about the prison's financial state. She is quick to ask the right questions to the right people because she notices that the money isn't going to the prison's maintenance. But she isn't being too sly, Mr. Healey notices right away that she is being very inquisitive and asks what she's up to. Piper responds with, "The freedom of the press shouldn't only be a privilege of the free" and in response Healey has no clue what that means. It allows time for Piper to come up with the idea of a newsletter for the prison, which Healey surprisingly accepts. He's trying to be more liked by the girls. 

Poussey is finally realizing that he feelings for Taystee will never be reciprocated, especially when Vee tells her point blank. She reflects back on her past love, a German woman, and realizes that she can forget Taystee the same way she forgot about her. The German woman was Poussey's true love but their time together was cut short when the German girl's homophobic father put in an order to relocate Poussay's family back to the States. Poussey knows how to cut people out because she moved a lot when she was younger, but this was different- she loved her. Now she has to learn to do the same with Taystee. 

While everyone is having a blast at the party, one inmate manages to escape and ends up at the same bar where Caputo is performing. Damn, someone is going to be in TROUBLE! 

Contact Staff Reporter Elizabeth Lopez and follow her on Twitter



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