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Gov. Jerry Brown Unlikely To Lose Primaries Tomorrow

Adaobi Ugoagu |
June 2, 2014 | 7:00 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Gov. Jerry Brown/Pinterest)
(Gov. Jerry Brown/Pinterest)

What's the likelihood of Governor Jerry Brown losing  governor's office this year? Pretty unlikely. Despite the fact that Neel Kashkari and 
Tim Donnelly have gained considerable momentum in the polls, what about the other candidates that seem to be lagging behind? Meet Cindy L. Sheehan, an American anti-war activist trying to make her way into office. She is most noted for her "Camp Casey" protest in 2006 where she camped out in front of President Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas in order to speak to him about the unjust death of her son in the Iraq war. Belonging to the Peace and Freedom Party, the platform for her 2014 campaign calls for peace and international justice by abolishing the CIA, NSA, and AID, along with withdrawing troops from all foreign countries. In addition, the party's stance on immigration is that deportation should be abolished with the open borders policy implemented. While Gov. Jerry Brown is coined as a leftist because he has signed bills that advocate for undocumented citizens getting driving licenses and licenses to practice law, these actions are less jolting in comparison to Sheehan's open borders proposals. Overall, not only does Jerry Brown look like the better option compared to Sheehan, he has also gained high approval in the Public Policy Institute of California Poll compared to his more plausible candidates Donnelly and Kashkari. One of the reasons for this is because of the Rainy Day Fund passed this past May which saves 1.5 percent of the total general fund of California in order to protect the state against economic dips and his disciplined fiscal budget that has created jobs and protected California schools. It's very likely that Jerry Brown will not only win re-election, but that he will win it by a landslide.

To reach staff reporter Adaobi Ugoagu email her here and follow her on Twitter. 



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