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Former L.A. City Councilman Stands Trial For Perjury

Matthew Tinoco |
June 25, 2014 | 2:25 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

 Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)
Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)
Richard Alarcòn, once councilman for Council District 7 in the Northeast Valley, is standing trial this week with his wife, facing 22 charges of perjury and voter fraud.

Prosecutors argue that, despite his claims, Alarcòn was not a resident of the 7th district when he was running for city council, a blatant violation of city election codes that demand a candidate be a resident of the district they are attempting to represent.

The Alarcòns insist that they were residents of the district, pointing to an address in Panorama City that was declared while Alarcòn was running for councilman.

In the trial this week, the Alarcòn's testified that the house was frequently undergoing renovations, and that although they weren’t always living there it remained their permanent address.

Carolyn Jackson, a was representative of Los Angeles Department of Transportation before retiring in 2010, testified that Alarcòn admitted to her in 2007 that he didn’t actually live in the district, as reported by the L.A. Times.

When Jackson congratulated him, he told her “you know, I wasn't even living in the district when I was elected." Jackson said he added: "I am now, of course." 

Considering that Councilman Jose Huizar is set to stand trial in November for sexual harassment, and Councilman Gil Cedillo’s son also got into a sticky corruption mess last year, maybe it’s time Angelenos start actually looking into the people they elect to lead their city.

READ MORE: Five Questions Facing Indicted L.A. Councilmman Richard Alarcòn

Contact Staff Reporter Matthew Tinoco here. Follow him on Twitter.



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