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Film Review: '22 Jump Street'

Tanya Mardirossian |
June 14, 2014 | 8:15 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are back as hilarious and horrible cops in “22 Jump Street”. 

The film brought more comedy than  “21 Jump Street”, but with a less compelling plot in the second round. Humor was embedded in dialogue as the two partners try to mend their relationship as partners, while making new connections in college. Schmidt and Jenko are doing the exact same thing as the first film: posing as students while investigating a murder and drug cartel. 

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We saw Schmidt making it big with the cool kids in high school in “21 Jump Street” while Jenko felt left out and ignored. A new abandoned church on 22 Jump Street means the story is essentially the same, yet different. This time around, it’s Jenko’s time to shine by making it big with a fraternity house and the football team. 

Schmidt and Jenko have what seems like the typical break-up talk—saying they need to go their separate ways for some space and that they should have an “open investigation” like a couple would have an open relationship seeing other people. 

Schmidt feels neglected by Jenko’s fraternity madness, so he spends time with Maya, an art major who Schmidt finds comfort in venting to. All is well until he finds out she is the Captain’s daughter. 

Like in “21 Jump Street”, the action and comedy come hand in hand, bringing Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum to some crazy stunts like walking on top of trucks, car chases and being involved in shootouts. There were times when the movie felt like it had too many plots simmering for it's near two hours length, like dragging the broken friendhsip to Spring Break in Mexico once they are off the case; however this is where their relationship heals. 

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The ending of the film was full of laughs when the credits rolled on with a montage of movie posters for 23 Jump Street and so on, making a parody of the film itself with crazy tasks the two cops need to do as undercover officers, like enrolling in culinary school. When our two cops discover their old building (an abandoned Korean Church) was re-bought, they noticed the address 23 Jump Street was left abandoned—is another film on its way?

During the montage Jonah Hill’s “Superbad” co-star, Seth Rogen makes a cameo along with some other familiar faces like Dave Franco, who played Eric in the first film. 

Above all, it was ironic and funny to see Hill and Tatum together again with their characters working to become closer as partners; their on-screen chemistry seems natural and is easy to see. The film also recaps the original movie "21 Jump Street," so the movie is welcoming to anyone capable of getting admitted to an R-rated movie. 

As for making a 23 Jump Street, some things are better off being done the first time, let alone a second. Unless the plot is refreshing while still bringing the humor and original cast, 23 Jump Street should stay abandoned. 

Reach Staff Reporter Tanya Mardirossian here and follow her on Twitter. 



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