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5 Twitter Hastags You Should Check Out Now

Sara Newman |
June 4, 2014 | 11:51 p.m. PDT

Deputy Editor

In recent weeks Twitter has been not just sharing headlines, but making them.  In fact, CNN is even going to debut the first Twitter-based show, “Your 15 Second Morning.” 

With the rise Twitter-made poets like Patricia Lockwood and even Twitter-made social movements like #YesAllWomen, Twitter is certainly not your average procrastination wasteland. 

Check out these seven exciting hashtags that are taking the internet by storm.

#SixWordAdvice: In today’s fast-paced word, few people have time to sit down and read full self help books or even self help articles, so Twitter to the rescue.

#FreeTheNipple: Last month Scout Willis’s instagram was banned for violating its "limitations on nudity and mature content" (i.e. showing her nipples in too many photos). Rather than letting Instgram erase her photos and her freedom of expression (err exposure), she began protesting on a more liberal social media platform, Twitter. Needless to say, others followed suit.

#Hipsterbooks: On a less serious note, this hashtag is putting a snarky, satirical spin on classic book titles, updating them for the digital age.

#AllMenCan: Okay, so back to the serious for a moment. Born out of raging hastags, #YesAllWomen and #NotAllMen, this Twitter-friendly hybrid shows the other side of feminism. This isn’t about a fight for the supremacy of men or women’s rights, but a fight for a society where people are not defined or limited by their sex.

#ToMyFutureKids: The combination of deviously plotting how best to embarrass any future children and anticipating the outpouring of love that will inevitably follow make this a fantastic multi-use hashtag. And it’s pretty cool to see “self-absorbed” millennials thinking so far into the future about the people they can’t wait to care for.

Contact Deputy Editor Sara Newman here. Follow her on Twitter here.  



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