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168 Children Rescued In Sex Trafficking Sting

Arash Zandi |
June 23, 2014 | 6:20 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Sex trafficking is the most common form of modern day slavery. (Twitter/@NowherelandX)
Sex trafficking is the most common form of modern day slavery. (Twitter/@NowherelandX)
A nationwide crackdown on sex trafficking ended up in 168 children being rescued and the apprehension of 281 pimps, reports the Los Angeles Times.

The week-long FBI Operation Cross Country took place in 106 cities across the nation, targeting suspicious areas such as casinos, truck stops and dating websites.

READ MORE: California Introduces New Policies To Combat Child-Sex Trafficking

This is the eighth such sting that the FBI initiated, resulting in the total recovery of almost 3,600 children under the Innocence Lost program.

A lot of the children were never reported missing by their parents or guardians, which presented a challenge to the FBI. Only two states currently have laws that require child welfare agencies to report missing children.

“These are not faraway kids in faraway lands. These are our kids on our street corners, our truck stops, our motels, our casinos. These are America’s children,” said FBI Director James Comey.


Reach Executive Producer Arash Zandi here. Follow him on Twitter here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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