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Pennsylvania Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

Will Federman |
May 20, 2014 | 7:59 p.m. PDT


With today's ruling, the Northeast corridor is now free from same-sex marriage bans. (Photo/Wikimedia)
With today's ruling, the Northeast corridor is now free from same-sex marriage bans. (Photo/Wikimedia)

Less than one day after a same-sex marriage ban was struck down in Oregon, a federal judge did just the same to Pennsylvania's equally silly, and now overturned, suppression of gay matrimony.

"We are a better people than what these laws represent, and it is time to discard them onto the ash heap of history," U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III wrote in his 39-page opinion.

Jones' decision all but legalizes gay marriage across the Northeast, thankfully in time for wedding season.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett has 30 days to appeal, and is likely to do so, according to the Associated Press. But with 19 states now affording legal status to same-sex marriages, it appears the writing is on the wall for all those terrible stand-up comics whose material consists entirely of heterosexual marriage humor.

You can read more at Philly.com and Bloomberg.

Reach Editor-in-Chief Will Federman here. And follow him on Twitter.



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