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Los Angeles Says No To The NFL

Matthew Tinoco |
May 28, 2014 | 3:09 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Farmers Field won't materialize. (AEG)
Farmers Field won't materialize. (AEG)
City Council voted in favor of remodeling the downtown convention center on Tuesday, specifically omitting plans to construct a football stadium and dashing hopes of an NFL team in Los Angeles anytime soon.

The decision comes years after a plan originally submitted by Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) urged the city to build a stadium space presently used by the convention’s center vast parking lot

But AEG’s plan was contingent on the entertainment giant negotiating an agreement with the NFL for hosting rights in Los Angeles. Negotiations stalled about two years ago after the NFL failed to commit a team to the city.

Unhappy with the wait, city officials quietly drafted a “Plan-B” for the convention center earlier this year, lacking plans for a football stadium.

Yesterday, this “Plan-B” passed, allocating $600,000 to pay three yet-to-be-determined applicants for “predesign work” on a stadium-less convention center remodel.

The council plans to view the proposals in July, and have an official remodeling plan made by next January.  



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