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6 Incredibly Smart Celebrities

Rex J. Lindeman |
May 26, 2014 | 4:39 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Emma Watson is the newest inductee into the smart celebrities club (@EmWatson - Instagram).
Emma Watson is the newest inductee into the smart celebrities club (@EmWatson - Instagram).
Congratulations, Emma Watson! As of yesterday, she is officially a graduate of the prestigious Brown University, where she earned her degree in English literature.

While such an event is fit for the academic all-star of Hogwarts, she is not the only celebrity with big brains:

Conan O’Brien

You had a feeling O’Brien was tied to higher education with his gut-busting 2011 commencement speech at Dartmouth University, but the late night host’s intelligence goes even farther. In high school, he won the National Council of Teachers of English writing contest and graduated as valedictorian in 1981. That propelled him to Harvard University, where he studied history and literature and graduated magna cum laude in 1985.

Oh, and he was a writer for the Harvard Lampoon humor magazine throughout his college years and served as its president for two. You knew the funnies had to come in somewhere.


No drunken rampages, no TMZ photos, no tabloid headlines. What’s going on? The party-junkie pop singer is actually the biggest math and history buff you or I will ever know.

She was enrolled in the international baccalaureate program in high school and nabbed an SAT score of 1500 (when it was out of 1600). What’s more, even after her after-school activity in band practice, she would drive to Belmont University and sit in on Cold War history classes… for fun. The cherry on top? Her IQ sits close to 140. That’s impressive for someone who brushes their teeth with whiskey.

Quentin Tarantino

The eccentric and erratic director is a genius of filmmaking but hater of school; he is a high school dropout and former video store employee (a job which he loved and credits to his success). However, a lack of formal education did nothing to curb the brainpower of the two-time Oscar winner; it clocks in with an IQ of 160.

Know who else has an IQ that high? Stephen Hawking.

Flavor Flav

You knew a rapper of his kind had mad talent, but his extends far beyond the studio. As a child, Flavor Flav was a musical prodigy would could easily play songs by ear. He was in the youth choir at his church and mastered the piano, drums, and guitar on the side. He eventually mastered a jaw-dropping grand total of fifteen instruments. I can’t even play one.

Nolan Gould

The fifteen year-old child actor and “Modern Family” star is all brains in a small package. He accelerated ten grades in school and already graduated high school two years ago. He is also a member of Mensa, which means he will earn his master’s degree before you get your bachelor’s.

Ken Jeong

The comedian/actor’s academic track record is the farthest possible cry from his “Hangover” persona. He graduated from Duke University, attained his M.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and played the violin in high school. The real kicker? He is a licensed physician in the state of California.

So don’t be startled if you open your trunk and he jumps onto you naked; he’s just trying to medicate you.

Reach Staff Reporter Rex J. Lindeman here.



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