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'You're Pretty For A Black Girl': Maya Reflects

Anna Sterling, Stephanie Monte |
April 10, 2014 | 8:55 p.m. PDT

Video Producers

“You're pretty for a black girl" was the phrase used to describe Maya Richard Craven at a recent USC frat party. The statement underscores society's assumption of whiteness as the norm, the standard to which everyone else is compared.

Anna Sterling, a journalism graduate student, interviewed Craven, a USC sophomore, about why she decided to go public about the incident.

"This is about letting other women of color know that they should not hide the shame that they feel when they go into a frat house or a classroom and feel that they have to be the token one to speak up," she said.

Craven explained how understandings of race and ethnicity affect sex and dating at a campus like USC, where many students are affluent and white.

“Hook-up culture is catered towards the upper-class, white American,” she said.

Watch the video to find out more and read Craven's original post here.

Reach Executive Producer Anna Sterling here. Follow her on Twitter here.

Filmed and edited by Stephanie Monte. Reach her here. Follow her on Twitter here.

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