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MTV Movie Awards Wrap-Up

Dale Chong |
April 14, 2014 | 11:01 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Thank you, Rita Ora. (fazmeutipo/Tumblr)
Thank you, Rita Ora. (fazmeutipo/Tumblr)
In case you missed it, the 2014 MTV Movie Awards were last night. Hosted by Conan O'Brien, the Sunday night awards show had some pretty good moments aside from stars taking home a Golden Popcorn.

From the start, Conan keeps things funny during his opening segment with stars like Jason Bateman, Ashton Kutcher, and Taylor Swift. He even calls out Grumpy Cat and performs an opening song.

After Jared Leto takes home the award for best on-screen transformation, Conan warns all the nominees that if they take too long giving a speech, he'll send a "dick pic" to the teleprompter.

The moment of the night has to go to Rita Ora, for ripping off Zac Efron's shirt as he accepted the award for Best Shirtless Performance. We can speak for everyone when we say, "Thank you, Rita Ora."

While he was accepting the award for Best Male Performance, Josh Hutcherson made sure to honor the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, who played Plutarch Heavensbee in the film "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire." 

"Catching Fire" also went home with the Golden Popcorn of Best Movie, along with Jennifer Lawrence receiving Best Female Performance. 

The night consisted of performances from Eminem, Rihanna, Ellie Goulding, and Zedd. Along with great performances, there were also some flubs. Channing Tatum took too long to accept his Trailblazer award and had a nice look at the "dick pic" Conan mentioned earlier. Amanda Seyfried also had a bit of trouble reading the teleprompter when announcing an award.

All in all though, the MTV Movie Awards was a fun night that wasn't made to be taken too seriously.

Read the full list of winners here.


Reach Executive Producer Dale Chong here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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