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The Leland Yee Scandal Now Involving Keith jackson

Executive Producer, David Zhao |
April 1, 2014 | 12:04 p.m. PDT

Keith Jackson,left (Associated Press/March 16,2011)
Keith Jackson,left (Associated Press/March 16,2011)
Keith Jackson, a former San Francisco School Board president, was recognized by the FBI as the central figure in Leland Yee case. Jackson was charged with guns, drugs, and a murder-for-hire scheme.

According to a 137-page criminal complaint, Jackson played as the crucial bridge connecting a Chinatown crime syndicate and a California state senator.

See also: CBS SF Bay Area, The Los Angeles Times

Comments on Yee’s case criticized the American political system, saying that the damage being done by Yee and his accomplices is nothing compared with that of the former.

Read more here:FBI stung Sen. Yee, but Sacramento’s worse corruption is legal.


Reach exectutive producer David Zhao here



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