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Lana Del Rey Debuts New Single At Coachella

Caroline Langella |
April 14, 2014 | 2:35 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Del Rey during her set at Coachella (@TheSunShowbiz/Twitter)
Del Rey during her set at Coachella (@TheSunShowbiz/Twitter)
Pop singer Lana Del Rey was on fire Sunday night at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Not only did she sing songs such as “Born to Die,” “Body Electric,” and “Summertime Sadness,” Del Rey took it up a notch when she performed “West Coast,” her newest single, which was officially released today. 

The singer, who was dressed in a beautiful orange dress that flowed in the desert wind, loved the crowd’s energy and the festival stage. “So amazing,” she said, “Your energy is so, so good.” About halfway through her set, she decided that because she was on the west coast, it was only fitting that she perform her new single, “West Coast.” Watch a video of her performance below: 

“West Coast” is definitely one of her slower songs, but her romantic, indie style is eminent and her performance of the single proved to be a huge success at the music festival. She also had fantastic stage presence, which shows how much she has matured from rather uncomfortable performances such as her appearance on “SNL.” The single is already listed as #5 on the iTunes top singles list and is sure to be another hit for Del Rey.


Reach Executive Producer Caroline Langella here. Follow her on Twitter



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