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L.A. Clippers Owner Tells Girlfriend 'No Black People Allowed' At Games

Shilpa Nagesh |
April 26, 2014 | 12:19 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, sit courtside at a Clippers game. (Twitter/@RTNBA)
Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, sit courtside at a Clippers game. (Twitter/@RTNBA)
Late Friday night, TMZ released audio of Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling making racial comments to his half-black, half-Hispanic girlfriend, V. Stiviano, telling her to stop bringing black people to Clipper games. 

This comes after she posted a photo she took with NBA Hall of Famer Earvin "Magic" Johnson on Instagram. 

In the audio, Sterling is heard arguing with Stiviano, saying:

"It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people....You can sleep with (black people). You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask of you is not to promote it on (Instagram) and not to bring them to my games.”

Listen to the entire audio recording here:

Though the Clippers held a meeting to discuss the situation, they have yet to comment on Sterling's remarks.

Once the tape was released, fans, players, and celebrities took to social media to respond. See their take on the situation here: 

Check back with Neon Tommy as the story progresses.

Read more on the tape here.

Reach Executive Producer Shilpa Nagesh here. Follow her on Twitter



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