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Jon Hamm's On Air Dating Rejection

Christianna Wiggins |
April 5, 2014 | 11:48 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer


Jon Hamm in 1996 (twitpic|@HuffPostTV)
Jon Hamm in 1996 (twitpic|@HuffPostTV)
Sporting floppy hair and a very "fabulous" vocabulary, actor Jon Hamm was rejected not once, but twice, on the 90s dating show 'The Big Date" in 1996. 

Now 43, Hamm is known for his charming demeanor as Don Draper on the AMC hit show, 'Mad Men,' but Hamm wasn't always such a hit with the ladies.

During his appearance on the 'Big Date,' Hamm was first passed up by Mary, a 25-year-old computer animations student, for his lack of manners. 

When asked, "how would you make a lady feel special on a first date?" Hamm replied "I'd start out with some fabulous food, fabulous conversation, a fabulous foot massage for an evening of total fabulosity." 

Turns out, Mary was not impressed and picked another guy over Hamm because her future date actually introduced himself when he walked on stage. Hamm just waved at the audience as he was introduced by the host, oops. 

Hamm was then turned down a second time by Sonia, who picked his competitor Marcus, for his pretty blue eyes. Hamm apparently wasn't so dreamy. 

Luckily, Hamm was a lot more romantically successful after the show. He has been with his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt for the past 17 years

This is just proof that everyone can get over their awkward dating years and eventually find love. 

Hamm returns as Don Draper in the final season of 'Mad Men' on Sunday, April 13. 

Watch Hamm on the show 'The Big Date' below:

Reach Executive Producer Christianna Wiggins here and follow her on twitter here.



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