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Fox Announces Live Production Of 'Grease' For 2015

Caroline Langella |
April 28, 2014 | 3:13 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The film poster for the 1978 "Grease" (@Netflix/Pinterest)
The film poster for the 1978 "Grease" (@Netflix/Pinterest)
It looks like Danny and Sandy are back. Fox announced their plans to produce a live version of the beloved musical “Grease.” The three hour production is set to air on the network in 2015.

In a statement about “Grease” and the upcoming live production, Shana C. Waterman, senior vice president of event series for Fox said, “Its iconic characters and addictive songs make it the perfect fit for Fox, and we're going to give it the kind of star power and production quality to make every Sandy, Danny, Rizzo and Kenickie out there want to get up and sing along."

While the cast list has yet to be announced, Fox plans to incorporate the songs “Hopelessly Devoted to You” and “You’re the One That I Want,” which were featured in the 1978 film “Grease,” but not in the 1971 Broadway musical. 

Fox is not the first television network to produce a live musical. Just last year, NBC produced a live version of “The Sound of Music,” which was a huge success. NBC is also planning a live production of “Peter Pan,” which is set to air in December. Productions like these are clearly becoming a trend and after “Grease” it will be interesting to see which story is revived next.


Reach Executive Producer Caroline Langella here. Follow her on Twitter.



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