Facebook Using Satellites & Flying Drones To Deliver Internet Via Laser Beams

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's pet project, Internet.org, has revealed a new team of tech scientists called the Connectivity Lab dedicated to developing "new platforms for connectivity on the ground, in the air and in orbit."
"Connecting the whole world will require inventing new technology," said Zuckerberg.
Plans include small solar-powered drone planes that will bring Internet access to disconnected suburban areas, as well as satellites designed to "beam" web access to underdeveloped regions from space.
These solutions will rely on the implementation of "free-space optical communications," or FSOs, that involves invisible infrared lasers as a medium to transfer information.
According to Zuckerberg's Facebook posts, Internet.org has already connected 3 million people to the World Wide Web in the Philippines and Paraguay.
Internet.org's motto: "Every one of us. Everywhere. Connected."
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