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9-Month-Old Boy Charged With Attempted Murder

Beatrice Verhoeven |
April 9, 2014 | 2:27 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

9-month old Musa Khan is charged for attempted murder. (Twitter @Zxtrym)
9-month old Musa Khan is charged for attempted murder. (Twitter @Zxtrym)
A 9-month-old boy faces charges of attempted murder in Pakistan, which has caused his family to go into hiding, The New York Times reported.

The baby and four adults were charged in correlation with violent protests in a Lahore Slum in February. According to The New York Times, gas workers had come into the slum to disconnect houses that had failed to pay their bills. Residents began throwing stones at the workers, which eventually led to police charging an entire family with attempted murder. One of these family members, is 9-month-old Musa Khan.

This case is considered absurd by many: not only has the Pakistani judicial system previously failed to prosecute infamous figures such as Osama Bin Laden, but the case became even more nonsensical when Khan began screaming and crying in court, and needed to be comforted by a bottle of milk. 

His grandfather told news service reporters outside the courthouse, "He does not even know how to pick up his milk bottle properly - how can he stone the police?"

Khan's grandfather, Muhammed Yasin, also told reporters that the family had been pressured by authorities to move for safety reasons.

While this case is likely to be dropped, many are outraged at the way the judiciary system in Pakistan is handling their prosecutions. The New York Times wrote that lawyers stated the "Pakistani police often lodge exaggerated complaints against poor families as a form of collective punishment."

Khan's lawyer argued that children under 7 cannot be prosecuted under Pakistani law. Therefore, the baby is free on bail until his next scheduled hearing, which is on Saturday. 

Reach Executive Producer Beatrice Verhoeven here. Follow her on Twitter



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