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7 Celebrity Couples That Need Their Own Reality TV Show

Rebecca Sai |
April 7, 2014 | 2:43 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

In the past few weeks, Alan Thicke, Nicole Riche, Tori Spelling, and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino all announced that they are making their way back to television with brand new reality TV shows. Reality TV shows are taking entertainment by storm, so here is a list of celebrity couples that need to get in on the action.


1.Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

There is no other celebrity couple that needs their own reality TV show more than the Smiths. Both with immense success, Will and Jada are established Hollywood royalty. “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” star has transformed into one of the most versatile actors of all time. Therefore, he, along with his star-studded family, would most definitely bring in laughter, excitement and even a possibility of some tears. We have also watched the Smith children, Jaden and Willow Smith, grow up in front of our very eyes and seen their showbiz careers emerge. What edgy style will Willow try next? What new music will Jaden come out with? These are questions that need to be answered. In addition, if the show had a few appearances from some of Jaden’s besties, Justin Bieber and Kylie Jenner, it could be an even bigger hit!

2. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon

It was the relationship that we never saw coming and now it’s the relationship that we can’t get enough of. Cannon’s hilarious personality mashed with Carey’s mellow personality are sure to provide viewers with an exciting, dynamic show. Carey also gave birth to twins in 2011 and to watch the growth of their family unfold onscreen would be cool to see. Both stars are very successful, but we are all wondering how the current “Americas Got Talent” host and R&B singer juggle fame, their careers and two toddlers! 


3. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Not all reality shows just have to be about the drama. Following the lives of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt could make for an inspiring show. This dyamic duo does it all—they’re parents to six children, they’re humanitarians and they’re also both dominating forces in Hollywood. But, how do they balance it all?




4. Ciara and Future

How will sexy R&B singer Ciara transition into motherhood with her soon-to-be husband—rapper, Future? The singer also has an elite circle of close friends including Kim Kardashian, Lala Anthony and Kris Jenner. The show would be sure to include some of our favorite celebrities that have already made their mark on reality television.


5. Big Sean and Naya Rivera

The newly engaged couple shocked everyone with their relationship. Now, as Naya rocks her fancy new ring and plans for a wedding, a show documenting the couple’s relationship, the future of “Glee” and Big Sean’s music would make for a good watch.



6. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

When John Legend released “All of Me,” a song that he wrote specifically for his wife Chrissy Teigen, our hearts melted. Then, Legend released the beautiful music video starring the celebrity couple and we witnessed that the love they have for each other is so apparent. Now, following their wedding in Italy, what’s in store for the future? (I’m hoping for kids!) Not to mention, Teigen is hilarious– just take a peek at her Twitter bio! It reads: “Demotivational speaker/ No cindy crawford/ Aspiring magician.” She is sure to make us all laugh. 


7. Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose 

This funky, wild couple would not fail to entertain. The sexy Amber Rose and the eccentric Wiz Khalifa have a child together and are now venturing into parenthood. Khalifa’s quirky looks and risqué rap style matched with the bold and beautiful Rose are truly a dynamic mix. The show could focus on Khalifa as he continues on with his rap career, Rose as she continues on with her modeling career and how they both focus on their relationship and beautiful baby son, Sebastian.


Reach Staff Reporter Rebecca Sai here.



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