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5 Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies

Michelle Man |
April 27, 2014 | 5:28 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Justice League (more-like-a-justice-league/tumblr)
Justice League (more-like-a-justice-league/tumblr)
There are plenty of superheroes and superheroines in the DC and Marvel Comics, many of which deserve a big screen moment like The Avengers, Iron Man and Batman. Here are 5 superheroes who should have their own movies.

Wonder Woman 

There's Superman, Iron Man and Captain America. What about some female superheroes? Wonder Woman is one of the most well-known superheroines, but where's her spotlight? She is one of the original Justice League members together with Superman and Batman. Although Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel 2" will introduce Wonder Woman, played by Gal Godot, it is uncertain just how much the audience will see of the female superhero. She's already gotten her own television series, but it's time for a take on the big screen. 

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow (capsicle107/tumblr)
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow (capsicle107/tumblr)
Black Widow

Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow in "The Avengers" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" has gained quite the popularity among audiences. She's the only female Avenger in the movies, yet she is proved to be a strong, powerful character that could possibly carry her own movie. Unlike Wonder Woman, she has no superhero powers but just her own skills and wit as a Russian Spy. With the lack of female superhero movies, Black Widow is a great place to start, especially with her previous on screen appearances.  

Black Panther (bpkingofthedead/tumblr)
Black Panther (bpkingofthedead/tumblr)
Black Panther

Black Panther is the first black superhero in mainstream comics and has often been named Marvel's Batman. He was King T'Chaka of Wakanda, a highly advanced African nation. Black Panther is said to be as witty as Iron Man and as skillful as Captain America in terms of physical battle. Since he's a member of the Avengers, wouldn't it be interesting to see some sass between Iron Man and another superhero? Stan Lee said Marvel is already developing a movie for Black Panther, and it should be coming pretty soon.

Young Avengers

Young Avengers is the answer to bringing some diversity to the superhero big screen. It features a well mix of gender diversity and most importantly LGBT character development. The groundbreaking portrayal of the gay couple Wiccan and Hulking earn the series the GLLAAD Media Awards. With the rising awareness of the LGBT community, a Young Avengers movie will be a timely production that will shed a modern and fresh light onto the Marvel universe. 

Batgirl (houndstar/tumblr)
Batgirl (houndstar/tumblr)

Audiences caught a glimpse of Robin at the end of the Dark Knight trilogy, as portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but what about the female sidekick Batgirl? The daughter of detective James Gordon, Barbara Gordon, is more than just a female sidekick of Batman - her transformation into the Oracle, a computer hacker and intelligence provider, gave her character much more substance and wit. She also founded Birds of Prey, a team of superheroines which also deserves a movie of their own. A movie for Barbara Gordon would be a good start to test whether superheroine movies sell. However, the most important plot point involves the Joker and Health Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in the Dark Knight left a memorable impression in audiences' mind. It would be a challenging task to find a Joker who could top Ledger's performance in the Dark Knight. 

Reach staff reporter Michelle Man here



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